特点 ◆适用一高温度及信赖性较高之消费性产品。 ◆高温度及信赖性较高之一般工业用产品 。 SA Series 105℃ Fearures ◆ Used in Standard size for popular circuit,etc。 ◆ Available in taping configuration for automatic insertion。 技术要求 Specifications 项目ltem 特性Performance Characteristics 使用温度范围 Operating Temperature Range -40to+105℃ -25to+105℃ 额定电压范围 Rated Voltage Range 6.3to100VDC 160to450VDC 电容量范围 Capacitance Range 0.1to4700μF 0.47to220μF 电容量允差 Capacitance Tolerance +20%(100Hz or 120Hz,+20℃) 漏电流Leakage Current (+20℃,较大max) I≤0.03CV或4(μA)额定工作电压充电3分钟后读数,取大者 I≤0.01CV or 3(μA)After3minutes,whichever is greater measured with rated working voltage applied I≤0.03CV+10(μA)额定工作电压充电3分钟后读数, 取大者 I≤0.03CV+10(μA)After 3minutes,whichever is greater measured with rated working voltage applied 损耗角正切值 Dissipation Factor (tgδ) 工作电压WorkingVoltabe(VDC) 6.3 10 16 25 35 50 63 100 160 200 250 350 400 450 (%)较大 28 24 20 16 14 12 10 10 20 20 2